New! Adjustable lumbar support on the Score Balance stools
Adjustable lumbar support on the Score Balance stools
Score is launching a completely revolutionary way of dynamic sitting: The adjustable lumbar support for the Balance saddle stools and Medical stools! This innovation is based on valuable feedback from users like you.
"If you could just make that lumbar support adjustable, then that would be a fantastic chair for me!" Balancing something so seemingly simple turned out to require much more development work than expected. And we have now achieved that: A Score Balance stool with a fully adjustable lumbar support. So now we ask you, "Did we make it happen? Is this the fantastic chair you wanted?"

Why is the Balance with adjustable lumbar support unique?

The subtle adjustment with the adjustable lumbar support provides an extremely comfortable experience, ideal for dynamic sitting and working.

The lumbar support is height and depth adjustable for perfect support of the spine and encourages an upright sitting posture.

The lumbar support is very user-friendly and quickly adjustable, making it easy to share the Score Balance stools with colleagues.

The Balance Mechanism and this lumbar support have been designed and developed by our product developers and are exclusively available from Score.
Which Balance with adjustable lumbar support do you choose?
The fully adjustable lumbar support provides optimal back support and ensures that you can sit upright comfortably. Thanks to the simple adjustment mechanism, sharing the stool with colleagues is no longer a problem. This way everyone can enjoy ergonomic seating comfort. Do you choose the Score Amazone or Jumper saddle stool or do you go for the ergonomic Medical 6211 or 6311 stool?
Sit down for a moment
Watch the videos below and in no time you will know how to sit healthily and comfortably! Watch the video on how to correctly set the adjustable lumbar support. This way, at the end of your working day, you will have enough energy left to do other fun things!
How do you adjust the Score Balance saddle stool with adjustable lumbar support?
How do you set up the Score Balance Medical with adjustable
lumbar support?
Read the brochure about the Balance with Adjustable Lumbar Support
Would you like to know all the details about the Score Balance with adjustable lumbar support? Which can! We have a handy brochure for you to view. Click on the link below to open the brochure.