At Score, we like to do things our own way. That is why our designs aren’t trend-setting, innovative or super modern. They are solid, robust and quirky. Solid chairs that you can literally use for decades. We don't move with the masses. We don't follow the crowd but pave our own way! This is the attitude that has made us great. We listen to the experiences of our customers and base our plans on what they tell us. When we see opportunities or improvements? Then we look together to see how we can implement them. We will continue until we have found the ideal seating solution. Over the years, we have become a reliable player. Our lines of communication are short and the organisation is flat. And precisely because of this, the possibilities are endless.

What we stand for
We have been working for almost 50 years to ensure that people who are working in all kind of sectors are as healthy as possible so they can enjoy their work. We have a clear vision of who we want to be for our customers and where we want to go in the future. That’s why we are happy to tell you more about our brand values and our passion.

Of course, we can't do it all alone. Nor do we want to. We value our relationships, like working together and putting energy into it. Connecting people with short communications lines, honest and transparent. That’s what we stand for. We want the best for everyone, both internally - for our colleagues - and externally - for dealers and anyone else who takes a seat on our products. If you are able to enjoy doing the things that are important to you, and we can contribute to that in our own way, then we're happy. And proud of our craftsmanship!

You deserve the perfect seating solution. One you never have to worry about. This may sound a bit vague, but what matters is that our craftsmanship takes the burden off of you. We focus on your seating solution, so you don't have to worry about it. But, of course, we are not all-knowing. There is always something for improve and we are happy to discuss them with you. Whether it ‘s our processes, products or your sitting posture. Because we may have great ideas, but it's your experience that counts. We improve ourselves by listening. To the market, to the developers of new technologies and to you, the user. Learning by listening. That is Score.

We are problem solvers. Every component in our products has a function and everything is there for a reason. Because quality is all about the details. That's why we call ourselves experts in seating. We know the ins and outs of the various industries we develop our products for. Even yours. So we work every day to ensure that you experience this too. That while you're sitting, you really feel that we're thinking along with you... and ahead. We find solutions to problems you didn't foresee yourself. With an eye for detail, with passion and inspiration. Sitting comfortably so you can concentrate on doing your job. That's our promise to you.