Ergonomic chairs and stools for office workspaces
From corporate fitness subscriptions to green shakes in the canteen, more and more companies are investing in the health and vitality of their employees. This is especially important in the office, as office workers spend more than 10 hours on average on weekdays - working and private hours added together!
Healthy sitting posture
It is perhaps the most important furniture in an office. The office chairs on which employees carry out their work. We sit a lot, all of us. Because we at Score believe that sitting should be as healthy as possible, we have developed chairs that take ergonomics a big step further than ordinary office chairs. They offer the right support and enhance your energy and concentration. That's relaxed working: even after three o'clock in the afternoon. We've got your back!
Always a suitable office chair
When you spend a lot of working hours sitting, it is important you can easily change your posture. A good chair therefore always has a sturdy and safe construction and a seat and backrest large enough for your posture. You should have room to shift your position regularly. This provides extra sitting comfort. Especially for your work we have developed no less than seventeen different office chairs, so you're sure to find one that suits you on all fronts. Whether you work at home or at the office.